We are a church that is jubilant in it's worship and rich in it's sacrement through the Anglo-Catholic tradition. It is our constant aim to serve God in holiness and develop his people to be more Christ-like. Come join us for a service to know what it's really about...
The purpose of the Church of St Andrew’s Kingsbury is to enable people to live out their Christian faith as part of a community parish. They currently do this through:
● Worship and prayer, learning about the Gospel, and developing their knowledge and trust in Jesus
● Provision of pastoral care for people living in the parish
● Missionary and outreach work.
The Parochial Church Council (PCC) of St Andrew’s is committed to enabling as many people as possible to worship and to become part of the community at St. Andrew’s. The PCC maintains an overview of worship and makes suggestions on how its services can involve the many groups that live within the parish. The services and worship put faith into practice through prayer and scripture, music and sacrament.
To learn more, please visit our links page below on the left hand side
Daily Prayers
Each day of the week (apart from a Monday), Fr Jason is in Church to pray Morning Prayer and Evening Prayer at 8.30am and 5.30pm respectively. These are short services (approximately fifteen minutes) of reciting the psalms, a scripture reading and prayers - including daily prayers for the parish and its residents. This is a good way to start and end each day and all are welcome to join him in Church at those times or by praying at home using the Gospel Reading and the Prayer Intentions on the Weekly Bulletin.
Please visit our other pages to learn more about the life of worship we have at St Andrew's.