The main services of the week are on:
Sunday at 10.30am, which is a Sung Mass, when incense is used. The service is centred around hearing the Word of God read in the Scriptures as well as receiving Holy Communion. Hymns are sung and a sermon is preached. This service lasts approximately seventy-five minutes and is followed by refreshments in the Church Hall.
Thursday at 10am, which is a mid-week opportunity to listen to the Scripture and receive Holy Communion. This service lasts approximately thirty minutes and is followed by refreshments in the Church.
Daily Prayers
Each day of the week (apart from a Monday), Fr Jason is in Church to pray Morning Prayer and Evening Prayer at 8.30am and 5.30pm respectively. These are short services (approximately fifteen minutes) of reciting the psalms, a scripture reading and prayers - including daily prayers for the parish and its residents. This is a good way to start and end each day and all are welcome to join him in Church at those times or by praying at home using the Gospel Reading and the Prayer Intentions on the Weekly Bulletin.